A short enlightening profile
More than 5 million people moved from Ukraine to Europe since the start of the war. It is a big new consumer market, but what do we really know about them? Through an online survey carried out early July 2022 by Factum (YOUkraina panel, www.factum-ua.com) with specific questions crafted by Séissmo (www.seissmo.com), 217 Ukrainians who fled their country since the war were consulted.
Socio-demographic profile
- Live in Poland (32%) and Germany (19%)
- Women (73%)
- With children in age under 16 y.o. (68%)
- Middle aged, 35-45 y.o. (40%)
- Well educated (64% have master´s degree)
- Are currently employed (53%)
- With an average income, 40% have enough money for purchasing clothes and food, but not enough for long-term usage goods (like a refrigerator or a vacuum cleaner)
- There is a significant part with an above average income: 25% have even enough money for purchasing of expensive items such as white goods
Food and rent of the apartment/ payment for the communal services are the main cost items (32% respondents spend 25 to 50% of their income for these issues) 17% of them have been spending more than 60 euro within the last 30 days on cosmetic, hygiene and self-care products.
Which brands do you prefer?

- Coca-Cola (55%) than Pepsi-Cola (20%)
- Lavazza (53%) than Nescafé (35%)
- Garnier (50%) than Yves Rocher (27%)
- BIC (59%) than Stabilo (4%)
- Vichy (48%) than Eucerin (13%)
When it comes to Nivea and L’Oréal Paris, Ukrainian men have a strong preference for Nivea (76%) while women find both brands equally appealing (36% and 38% respectively). The Ukrainian citizens who moved to Germany (n=41) tend to prefer dm-drogerie markt (46%, especially men) to Rossmann (41%, even more looking only at women). A larger sample and a more in-depth investigation would be necessary to find out what men love about dm-drogerie markt in particular, and what women enjoy at Rossmann’s. 12.07.2022
Keywords: Ukrainians, living abroad, consumer, spending