It will make click.
Our research design may not be what you expected,
but it is what you need. The results will enlighten you.
We are driven by your initial business question, which we will clarify and refine for you. We empathize with your problem from the beginning and deliver clear answers until the end.
We do not sell a research methodology because it is fancy or trendy. Guided by empirical evidence, we always go back to the problem posed and the target group to consult. Both determine which diagnostic tools we ultimately select to best address the actual business issues at stake.
A scientific basis
- Tried and trusted: in-depth interviews and group discussions, ethnography
- Digital biotope: skype interviews, online diaries & blogs, social listening
- Non-invasive: cognitive interviews from the fields of forensics and semiotics
- Interactive: co-creation workshops with live illustrators
- Creative: professional actors use pantomime to interact with consumers
... for tailored solutions
At Séissmo we take our clients seriously. We offer creative yet always pragmatic and target-oriented research approaches. We are not afraid of taking the more inconvenient route ... more often than not, it will lead to the most efficient business solution.
Why choose us?
Experience our high commitment to each research task and be impressed with how fast and thoroughly we immerse ourselves in the topic at hand. Empirical research and applied social sciences have been our playground since 2001. Our mindset is consistently international, and we offer particular expertise in the Franco-German environment.

What sets us apart?
We feel responsible for delivering what you looked for and beyond. We go the extra mile in creative conception, research service and qualitative output.
The art of conversation
Conversation is an art. You can expect flowing dialogues with your customers, imaginative vocabulary, rich verbatim. Asking good questions looks pretty easy but requires professional moderation skills! The ultimate art: have people open up and talk without having to ask any questions.
Masters of text
Powered by ArtificiaI Intelligence
We blend human intelligence and AI. We use the machine to manage huge quantities of text, but we are responsible for the coding. Because identifying the relevant indicators in the language is what we are trained for.
Excellent moderation & facilitation
We excel in moderation, facilitation, and interviewing. We harvest data ourselves and guaranty a constant level of quality. Same for the qualitative analysis, interpretation, and subsequent storytelling.
Eye-opening, lasting results
Our clients need us to open the blinders everyone has about their own industry. And they cherish the long-term validity of our results, which go far beyond the actual scope of the initial request. We deliver far-reaching analysis of people understanding and ultimately long-term market strategies for sustainable business.
Lively presentations

... And we work surprisingly fast.
Our processes are streamlined and fast-paced, our thinking is high tempo, and the research results are always delivered on time.
Our research values, your marketing benefits
Tacheles תכלית tachles
We seek and speak the truth, openly, directly, purpose- and goal-driven.
This is why we grow our customer and brand knowledge together.

You will find smart partners who adapt and re-align the research instruments along the course of action

You will laugh and enjoy, you will remember analytical content better

You will understand where you stand and what to do

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