Scenario Techniques in Market Research

20 years of Séissmo - also in February!

Have you always been eager to know how the new market research tools and techniques of
tomorrow will work? Then, the anniversary February is just right for you. We take you on a
journey through time and dive with you into the future!

We take you on a journey through time and dive with you into the future!

Martina Schwarz-Geschka, managing director of Geschka & Partner management consultancy, and Natacha Dagneaud, founder of Séissmo, have explored the topic of scenario techniques together. They share with you their interdisciplinary reflections: on one hand, the world of technology and engineering - on the other hand, the world of social sciences and humanities.

Indeed, scenario techniques are a tool of future research. Developed by Prof. Geschka and her team at the Battelle-Institute in 1976, they have been constantly enhanced and improved.

In 3 clear steps it is explained how the methodology aims at the long-term forecast of dynamic living social milieus and environments in the future.

In the scenario creation phase, there are inherent questions, starting with a clear definition of the topic. What are the following factors that influence the topic under consideration? How do the factors interact? And how do the various projections fit together to create a coherent scenario?
In the processing phase for the Consumer Testing, clarity, ease of comprehension and accessibility are of utmost importance. Hence, there is demand for specific illustrations and editorial expertise.
In the phase of confronting consumers with the different scenarios, the correct contextualization is key. By applying immersion and projection techniques, fears but also aspirations come to light in the respective constellations.
What actually happens cannot be predicted, but it can be assessed better. The intention of this methodology is rather to raise an awareness of future issues for companies at an early stage for optimized assessment and action planning and to lead them along the right road. Unexpected events – such as pandemics or waves of refugees – are also factored in. In this way, business models can be quickly adapted to various and upcoming circumstances.

Let's take a look into the future together!

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