Through an online survey carried out early July 2022 by Factum (YOUkraina panel, www.factum-ua.com) 217 Ukrainians who fled their country since the war were consulted.
According to the received results, already a big part of them (41%) feels comfortable abroad. For another 41%, understandably, the feelings are mixed. And only 18% feel uncomfortable abroad.
Ukrainians appreciate the attitude of inhabitants of the countries where they now live (21%), and cherish calm and peace (21%), as well as nature and environmental conditions (18%).
The majority of respondents (76%) reported a positive attitude of the local population towards Ukrainians. This seems to be the most supportive factor for them in living abroad.
The greatest difficulties of living abroad are mainly related to the lack of knowledge of the local language (63%). Other disadvantages named by a significant part of respondents are:
- Lack of understanding of how the processes in the host country are organized (43%)
- Bureaucratic procedures related to obtaining documents (43%)
- Difficulties in finding a job (42%)
- Unfamiliar medical system (40%)
Despite these hurdles, Ukrainians integrate into the new country very successfully. 27% of them have already found a job in Europe (47% are in the process of looking for work, 14% continue to work remotely in Ukraine and 12% do not have a job and do not plan to look for one), 57% are learning the local language (5% already know the language, and 20% are going to start learning it).
78% of Ukrainians are interested in culture and traditions of the country they moved to. And 76% of respondents managed to take the opportunity and visit important cultural places of the city or region where they live.
Thus, it can be assumed that the integration of Ukrainians into the European community will be harmonious and bring many benefits to both Europe and Ukraine.
31.08.2022/ results synthesized by Séissmo
Links and resources to help Ukrainians (our personal favorites)
First facts about the Ukrainians